Participation and Clarity create Acceptance for New Work Environments at the University of Zurich

Change processes at the University of Zurich rethought and implemented in partnership.
Initial Situation
Work and learning environments are of high strategic importance to the University of Zurich (UZH). To remain internationally competitive, modern and inspiring spaces are needed for staff and students across its seven faculties and over 150 institutes. The new space concept, deeply rooted in the university’s future vision, was approved by the university leadership in summer 2021 but faced broad internal criticism upon announcement.
As a long-standing strategic partner of the university leadership, ESSENCE RELATIONS was tasked with accompanying and rethinking the change process, developing an effective communication strategy, and implementing the resulting measures.
Achieving acceptance for the new space concept and its associated changes was a top priority. In collaboration with the university leadership, we set the following goals:
Convey Knowledge
Employees understand the goals and content of the new space concept and how it will be implemented.
Foster Understanding
Employees recognize that the new space concept is essential for the long-term positioning of UZH as a leading international university.
Encourage Support
Employees support the implementation of the new space concept.

«Shaping change is a solid craft and a continuous process of transitions. It requires a holistic strategic approach and secure, transparent communication.»

Strategy and Solution
Re-evaluation of Stakeholder Needs
A comprehensive re-evaluation of user needs provided insights into the different expectations and reservations regarding the upcoming changes in work environments.
Inclusion of Opinion Leaders
Opinion leaders and their teams were strategically involved in key aspects of the change process. Their perspectives and influence were optimally utilized through their involvement in different phases.
Gradual Implementation
The step-by-step implementation and continuous execution of the new space concept enabled controllable and lasting change.
Establishment of a Culture of Transparency, Integration, and Trust
Open, proactive communication of goals, progress, and challenges created transparency. Trust was built and reinforced through consistent and reliable actions.
An initial analysis was conducted with the rector and the Real Estate and Facility Management of the University (DIB) during the pandemic. This showed the university leadership and project managers the importance of factual and inclusive communication regarding the planned changes. In 2022/23, 24 interviews with users were conducted to gather perceptions on the new space concept, expectations, and requirements for planning, implementation, and communication.
The results of the comprehensive stakeholder survey were presented to the deans and university leadership and discussed in workshops. This laid the foundation for the communication concept, developed in coordination with the university’s corporate communications and the Real Estate and Facility Management.
«A change is supported when its meaning and purpose are plausible.»

To meet the communication concept’s goal of embedding the space concept into broadly supported storytelling, the website of the Real Estate and Facility Management at the University of Zurich was completely overhauled. We developed the concept and were responsible for the content implementation. The simplified, clearly structured design and content now help users understand the necessity of the new space concept and foster acceptance of the change.
Animated illustrations introduce visitors to the various work environments, showing where future research and work at the University of Zurich will take place. On the «Personal Experiences» page, teams share their experiences during the planning and moving process in a video series we produced. This transparent portrayal of current working conditions builds additional trust and supports employer branding with approachable, authentic video messages.
What our customer says
«The work environments created under the new space concept facilitate innovation, creativity, interdisciplinarity, and exchange, as well as focused, scientific research and work. We engage closely with decision-makers and their teams to develop tailored solutions within feasible limits. Users actively participate, from analysis to implementation of the concept. In collaboration with ESSENCE RELATIONS, clear communication guidelines were established, consistent messages were formulated, and our new website with embedded personal experiences was created. These measures effectively support the overall process.»
Claudia Wyss, Head of Communication, Real Estate and Facility Management and Project City University UZH