1+1=3. Together. Gathering. Moving more together.

We are thrilled when something greater than the sum of its parts emerges. We are fascinated when people from diverse backgrounds come together and dialogue leads to action. The gathering of people: For us, one of the most effective communication tools of our time.
Over the last 12 years, We have orchestrated over 250 “gatherings” – from idea competitions to founder talks, from patron discussions to retreats, from fundraising evenings to book launches, from “Coffee & Cigarette” breakfasts to weekends in the mountains, from kick-off events to theme nights at companies, from entrepreneur talks to sustainability events, from opportunity days to diversity forums, from award ceremonies to mulled wine gatherings.
Sometimes large. Sometimes small. Sometimes delicate. Sometimes simple. Always genuine.
And it was never a question of budget whether something greater would emerge, whether the enthusiasm would last, and whether real connections would be forged. Whether brand building would succeed sustainably.

«It’s the seemingly small things that make a big difference.»

Factor People.
The courageous mix of personalities makes the difference. And knowing where the guests’ needs lie. Who enjoys priority. And this applies just as much to the table arrangement as it does to the panel setup. And let’s not forget, the online survey afterwards. Is it personal enough to collect genuine feedback?
Factor Content.
Choose topics that can bridge gaps. That invite active engagement. And ask yourself, am I still interested in spending time on an event that includes the “buzz-words” of our time. Are resilience, agility, or digital really appealing?

Factor Identity.
It’s not about doing exactly what others do, but what suits your own company or personality. Coming together is something atmospheric. A successful setting might not work next year. Keep up with the times.
Factor Space.
Where do the best parties happen? Right, in the kitchen! Where it’s cozy, crowded, and unique. Design spaces according to the desired effect. Fresh ideas certainly need more space and air.

Factor Technology.
No matter how high the budget, never skimp on technology. Acoustics are key, so people can follow the words and engage in active discussions.