ESSENCE RELATIONS turns 10! We have been connecting good people with important topics and shaking up communication for a decade. We’re celebrating our anniversary with a rebrand.

A 10-year anniversary is a key milestone in any company history. What milestones has ESSENCE RELATIONS achieved for its customers over recent years, and how have these contributed to the development and consolidation of the market positioning of ESSENCE RELATIONS?

We have proven our reliability. We work at a profound level. We have long-lasting partnerships. We rely on an excellent network. And we always keep abreast of the times. These days, it’s important to love your craft and all its intricacies and details and to not lose sight of the bigger picture if you want your communication to be convincing. We’ve created unique platforms for our customers and partners, and we’ve developed brands that will go the distance while remaining timeless. We are very conscious in the way that we network, and we find quick solutions – always. These high analytical capabilities – combined with an eye for the unique – help us to set high standards.

What are the fundamental values that have underpinned the development of ESSENCE RELATIONS over the past 10 years?

A passion for people. A love of communication. The ability to build bridges and to always remain true to ourselves. To occasionally say “no” or to consciously refrain from doing something. Every single member of our team is curious, interested and keen to work on their continual development. This helps to connect us as a team, and provides a good basis for growth. And of course we also have an in-depth understanding of what we do and what works. We have very high expectations for ourselves.

What are the key elements of day-to-day operations at ESSENCE RELATIONS that held the brand together over the past 10 years?

“Never, never, never give up.” There’s always a way, there’s always a solution. We come up with options for our customers. We believe in the journey, and in the importance of communication from the inside of the company to the outside world. Our aim isn’t to find a quick solution or to reach the goal as quickly as possible. We also love the joie de vivre. Communication is also an experience. Entrepreneurship means doing something. Taking action, and putting it into effect. Not standing still. Taking opportunities when they arise. Or networking with interesting people in a manner that’s heartfelt and genuine.

Laughter is the essence for good things.

“Never, never, never give up.” There’s always a way, there’s always a solution. We come up with options for our customers.

Achieve upcoming milestones as a team.

An anniversary is a chance to reflect, to look back. What’s gone well? Where are changes needed? It’s also an opportunity to look to the future and to make plans. To come up with a vision. What are your aspirations for ESSENCE RELATIONS over the years to come? What are your dreams for the boutique, for the ESSENCE RELATIONS brand? What path do you hope/expect the company to take?

First and foremost, I’m simply grateful. Very much so. With this anniversary, I’ve also become very aware of what this journey means and the work that it will continue to require. It calls for constant work and getting things done on your own, and you really need to want to experience this reality from the inside out. And this is precisely why continual reflection is a crucial tool in maintaining strength, momentum, motivation and joy. And it also helps us deal with the frustration we feel when we make mistakes, or the anger when a mandate doesn’t come to fruition or when we disagree with our colleagues. Since being an entrepreneur, my mantra has always been: “Love what you do – do what you love.” I’m always asking myself if this is the case. And I can wholeheartedly answer “yes”. As a mother, I also want to be a role model for my daughter and to make sure that my life is balanced.

What do I want? To carry on working in such a laid-back team, to work with friends. To implement exciting mandates. To support genuine leaders and to be a sparring partner. To give fresh impetus that has a social impact too. To devise strategies that last. And maybe we’ll launch a product that’s both surprising and moving at the same time.

What external factors have an impact on the development of a brand like ESSENCE RELATIONS both now and in the years to come?

Rather than being guided by current trends, I prefer to look at where we need to make a real impact. And to provide targeted communication solutions there. At the same time, I believe that now more than ever, customers need to rely on partners that get stuck in, that act with a lot of passion and that have an in-depth knowledge of what they do. In the area of communication in particular, there’s a lot of “hot air”, a lot of noise with nothing to back it up, and it’s here where we really make a difference. And we’ll continue to do so in the future.