Be patient and have a plan: an insight into mental (thought) processes with Jean-Pierre Bringhen

In fact, we know this: good leadership works from the inside out. Self-leadership is therefore an indispensable prerequisite for the leadership of others and the leadership of any successful company.
A conversation all about mind and soul. And how we connect them in a goal-oriented way.
In his early childhood, Jean-Pierre Bringhen narrowly escaped a horrific violent crime thanks to a reflex. The mental coach and seasoned entrepreneur is convinced that he acted on the inner strength of his spirit at the time. Reflexively, he used the technique he had acquired at a young age, the defensive Japanese martial art of aikido. As a result, he was able to free himself from the clutches of the evildoer and was spared. Bringhen is further convinced that this experience was one of the most important defining moments of his life – sparking a fire within him for a comprehensive understanding of the connections between mind and soul. And created the basis for his calling as a mental coach.
Mental training means developing specific techniques that lift our cognitive, mental and emotional abilities and firmly anchor our goals in our subconscious. Jean-Pierre Bringhen confronts new clients with three simple but clear questions:
- What does it mean for you to be successful?
- What does it mean for you to be loved?
- What do you like least about yourself?
He bases his coaching on the answers to these questions.
If I do something out of love for myself, I can change something
This realization needs to be refined and internalized. Nobody is free of fear, and we all know moments of acute physical or mental overload. A mentally strengthened personality can accept fears and embrace the chaos to which we are exposed in our increasingly faster changing world.
This strength can be trained. The prerequisite is the personal willingness to change something, to strive for a personal “reboot.” Quite possibly the conditions for this have never been better. The persistent corona crisis has heightened our awareness for new beginnings. We have been forced to think and act more flexibly. We should use this momentum to continue to courageously initiate and internalize smaller and larger changes.
We were also challenged to deal more intensively with ourselves, to take care of ourselves. This is also an important component of mental strength, because only those who are “at peace” with themselves can subordinate themselves, break down hierarchies and nurture competencies. This is a skill that is needed everywhere and at all times – whether on the board of directors of a large corporation or in everyday life.
With this insight, we conclude our conversation with Jean-Pierre Bringhen. An exchange that will certainly inspire us all to reflect on our own willpower, our mental flexibility and our inner strengths.