Kickoff: Where success begins

How do you successfully launch new project? How do you motivate your team about the initiative? Or how can you make a restructuring or a new positioning succeed?

 Successful companies, leaders or foundations are driven by their passion. They want to make a difference. A carefully planned strategy, selected tools and measures, and implementation are essential for this. We support our clients so that they can be effective.

Our work almost always starts with a kickoff workshop—a tried and true measure. Why?

 “Kickoff” originally comes from sports. For example, the first play in rugby and American football is known as the kickoff. It is the start of “team play” with a common goal, strategic cooperation and well-coordinated collaboration.

 This can be translated 1:1 in strategic work in the business sector: A well-executed kickoff contributes significantly to success and builds team spirit right from the start. Important strategic pillars are set, we take a step back and look at the big picture so that later on the team is running at full throttle—all in the same direction.

 A kickoff workshop is valuable and essential for analyzing and understanding. It unites the team, values ​​and goals are defined or revised. The mission and vision are developed together. This creates a common understanding for the entire team.

 But that’s not all—a kickoff workshop strengthens solidarity, motivates and inspires. This is what enables mutual growth and further development.

 The results of the workshop lay the foundation for a successful strategy—and thus the essence for a lasting impact.