One for all, all for one
Naëmi Rickenmann is committed to helping people in need and cooks in an alley kitchen in the heart of Zurich. The corona virus is also a big topic there. And support is more important than ever.
Crisis? Crisis!
What we are currently experiencing is difficult to put into words. The situation demands a lot—a whole lot—of both businesses and society. And all of this at a rapid pace. The development is exponential—a construct that is difficult for people to grasp (see also: “Google – Top Executive Management Tour Palo Alto” or “New rules of the game in the world of work: Why we millennials want more”). This can be confirmed by looking back over the past few weeks.
Only three months ago we heard about a “mysterious lung disease” that had been discovered in the Chinese city of Wuhan. We took note of the news relatively emotionlessly. We watched with interest—almost stunned—by the extent to which the Chinese government gradually took more and more drastic measures to curb the spread of the novel virus. We joked about protective masks that we had at home as souvenirs from previous vacations in Asia. The shelves of the grocery stores were full, toilet paper and disinfectant were not yet in short supply. Everything seemed so distant from our safe haven, our Europe.
And then suddenly things ramped up. The virus arrived in Italy. Since then, the number of cases has exploded for our southern neighbor. Venice canceled the carnival. Thomas Aeschi wanted to close the borders. It didn’t take long before the first cases appeared in Switzerland. The federal government got involved and initially banned larger events. The economy started to suffer. Measures were tightened. Critics who had compared the virus to the seasonal flu gradually became silent.
Unimaginable measures
Now there is only one thing on our minds: the coronavirus. The Federal Council announced on Monday, March 16, 2020, the “extraordinary situation” and for the first time since the Second World War the army was mobilized.
Such situations demand a lot of us. We must stay home to help protect others. The traditional motto of Switzerland is to act: “Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno” (One for all, all for one). Solidarity is needed now more than ever.
It is touching to see all the efforts implemented in the past few days and weeks. Neighborhood assistance in the form of young people shopping and running errands for the elderly and those at risk. Or the development of digital solutions, so children can continue to be taught despite school closings. That is exactly what is important now—if we as a society and economy want to pass this stress test.
Solidarity – for everyone
At the same time, I am pensive and sad. There is a group of people who are quickly forgotten. In Switzerland, an affluent country, they are generally not noticed at first glance—you have to look closely. But it is precisely these people who need our help most now: people in need, people without a source of income or a roof over their heads.
In Switzerland, and in Zurich in particular, there are numerous institutions that serve those in need—be it with a warm meal, a place to sleep or a shower. These facilities also are primarily unseen by most—but they are well known to people in need. One of these is the Speakout association, which operates an alley kitchen in the heart of Zurich’s old town. At Speakout, people in crisis can find a few hours of peace, warmth, company and a free meal cooked by volunteers. I have been a cook at the association for over a year.
Making it work with pragmatism
The current situation is difficult for us at Speakout. Support from the authorities is limited, as they are being bombarded with inquiries and are overwhelmed with the situation. Many of the volunteer cooks—and also many of the patrons themselves—belong to the high-risk group. So, a general closure of Speakout was up for debate—a measure that would be fatal to all users. Here too it is important to be pragmatic and employ solutions-oriented thinking.
Last time, for example, another cook and I declared the kitchen off limits—some of the servers like to hang out there—and we served the food individually. We posted notes in several languages asking patrons to wash their hands. A poster with the BAG’s rules of conduct was also hung. The association’s board of directors has now decided that Speakout will offer only take-out until further notice to ensure that, in these uncertain times, people in need are provided for.
Thank you for your essential support
I call on everyone to do his or her part and I thank you for your help: It is important that we do not let the coronavirus make us crazy. We have to listen to each other, be there for each other and act wisely. Now is the time to pay special attention to those in need. Together we can get through this crisis and, with small acts of kindness, set an example of solidarity.
Click here for the report «Coronavirus: Randständige stark betroffen» of Schweiz Aktuell (18. March 2020)
Click here for the report «50 Jahre Speakout»