#ZÄMEMITDIR for Andri Silberschmidt
To Bern for Zurich in the National Council
ESSENCE RELATIONS GmbH developed and was responsible for Andri Silberschmidt’s strategy for the National Council election campaign. As a consulting agency, we supported him in developing his strengths and jointly set strategic goals that were crucial for the implementation. Essence Relations’ broad and exclusive network was able to provide critical support and make a significant contribution to the fundraising aspect of the campaign. In a brief conversation, he tells us how he wants to win the #zämemitDir election campaign.
ESSENCE RELATIONS GmbH: Why are you running for National Council?
Andri Silberschmidt: Switzerland is politically at a standstill. Important reforms have been put on the backburner in recent years, and left and right often refuse to talk, be it about European or pension policy. I want to help in the National Council so that with courageous reforms our Switzerland is well positioned for the future.
What kind of solutions do you think Switzerland needs?
Rising life expectancy is a blessing for all of us, but it is causing a huge deficit in pension plans. Therefore, changes are urgently needed, such as gradually increasing the retirement age to 66. Furthermore, a solution must be found in European politics so that our companies can continue to trade easily within a network of foreign countries, without having to give up our Swiss sovereignty.
Why do young people need your voice in Bern?
I don’t think from year to year, but from generation to generation. Switzerland has done a lot of good in the past 20 years but has failed to set the right course for the next 20 years. I am the right person to tackle future topics (such as digital development) without blinders, to take an active approach and to find solutions.
#zämemitDir — are you a politician who compromises?
Above all, I know the value of collaboration. I not only want to work with many people to create a great election campaign, but as part of the Council, I also want to build on the knowledge of many citizens in order to achieve the best for the common good — together.